Hybrid Monster: As a half-werewolf, half-vampire hybrid. Gender Bender: In the 2010 April Fools' Day event, it is implied by Cenara that he was affected by Loco's magic as well. Though it is more of Early Installment Weirdness, back when everyone in Darkovia was a Card-Carrying Villain, rather than something he'd actually say nowadays. They do not know true power! I am master of the night! Lord of twilight! Guardian of the moon! I am WOLFWING, master of all Werepyres!"
"You- are not the first who has found my keep of solitude, from where I watch over all the fools who think they have power.
Voluntary Shapeshifting: He can, in fact, take human form whenever he wants. Unrequited Love Lasts Forever: Though he's mostly gotten over it, he still loves Cara. Enough to be the one to push Erimus to make a move on her. Shipper on Deck: Of Erimus and Cara, even if he still feels strongly about her. Romantic Runner-Up: To Cara's affections. The Nose Knows: Enough to know that Erimus's son, Balius, had just been born and another was on the way. Known Only by Their Nickname: He was known only as the Werewolf King until his real name (Constantin Petyrovich) was finally revealed during the Dracopyre Legacy. infected) with lycanthropy, he was left for dead after the attack. Although the result was that Erimus was "tainted" (i.e. Kill the Ones You Love: Dhows forced him to kill his friend, Erimus. They should belong together, and I won't put any barriers. I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: And my friend. I Have Your Wife: To force Constantin to kill Erimus, Seth Cay Dhows kidnapped his son, Crispus. Horror Hunger: In The Father's Door, Constantin mentions that, by nature of being a werewolf, he suffers from this, though what it entails (or what he's talking about, even) is left ambiguous. He Knows Too Much: The reason why he was abducted to be experimented upon and being made the vector of the new "werewolf" infection that Drageth and Seth Cay Dhows were talking about in the First Door quest. He's not seen though and, instead of using a feminine version of his name (Constance), he, well, she was known as Helena. Gender Bender: In the 2010 April Fools' Day event. Family of Choice: He considered Erimus and Cara his family and everything he had, at one point. that they challenge the alpha to see who's, well, the alpha. After all, he's been the alpha male of werewolves for nine hundred years, more or less, and it's safe to assume note If AdventureQuest Worlds is anything to go by. Authority Equals Asskicking: Just like any other group leader in AdventureQuest ever. His son Thrasher is currently one of Donovan's minions. "Vampiric power builds with age, but anything that interferes with the natural progression of age will drastically strip the reservoir of power at one's disposal", according to her, I mean, him.Ĭonstantin Petyrovich is currently the alpha male of the Werewolves, and is fighting a battle with the Vampires in a struggle for dominion over Darkovia, and to get food supplies for his pack. It is specifically the reason why Sapphyro was weak enough to be defeated by the player. With well over 900 hundreds of years, she's really strong and is respected/feared as such. Stronger with Age: It comes with being a vampire. Mook Maker: In the Safiria's Plea, she 'rewards' the player by summoning endless hordes of Vampires. In her genderbent version, she (he) was a Walking Shirtless Scene.
Except when it's the less Fanservice -y version, which appears to be a Of Corsets Sexy. Impossibly-Low Neckline: With a downplayed Absolute Cleavage. Hair-Trigger Temper: When she was in her Sapphyro form, she had 'imbalanced hormones' and was much angrier.
Friend to All Children: She- really likes children and hates to see them sad. Authority Equals Asskicking: Like many other leaders in AdventureQuest, she's considered the strongest vampire and has been the Vampire Queen for over nine centuries. She has a long-term rivalry against the Werewolf King. Safiria is the queen of all vampires and she has no problems adding you to her army.